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Women in Business Luncheon - 2023 April - Managing Balance

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Name: Women in Business Luncheon - 2023 April - Managing Balance
Date: April 11, 2023
Time: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM EDT
Registration: Sorry, registration for this event has been closed. Please contact Chamber staff with questions.
Event Description:
*Event Postponed From March*
Is it sometimes hard for you to find that perfect work-life balance? 
Tiffanie Bailey-Romey has worked hard to be her own boss her entire life. This has made juggling a personal life a struggle for her as well. Hear from her firsthand the best tips, tricks, and stories on how to Manage the Perfect Balance. 

We hope you'll join the Pocono Chamber of Commerce Women in Business Council as we present this month's professional skills luncheon. Tickets will include lunch, along with time to network with other local business owners, and the keynote presentation.

Event Sponsors:
Frogtown Chophouse
472 Red Rock Rd
Cresco PA 18326
Date/Time Information:
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM Networking and Lunch
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM  Presentation by Tiffanie Bailey-Romey
Contact Information:
Caitlin Hamlin
$30 Members
$40 Future Members
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