Cultural Humility Virtual Trainings
Cultural Humility Virtual Trainings
April 26, 2021 - April 29, 2021

Cultural Humility Virtual Trainings Flyer
Event Description:
This training will be a discussion around why it is important to be culturally competent and sensitive to others and how white supremacy/dominant culture has played a role in not valuing other cultures.
Participants will learn:
For questions, please contact:
Shanise Palmer at or 484-893-1031
Wilberto Sicard at
- Monday, April 26 from 3-5 PM
- Tuesday, April 27 from 3-5 PM
- Wednesday, April 28 from 3-5 PM
- Thursday, April 29 from 3-5 PM
Participants will learn:
- The importance of being culturally responsive/sensitive within work spaces and our personal lives.
- The stereotypes and attitudes around the perceptions we all have of each other.
- How society?s portrayal of minorities/ethnic people of color can assist in our perception of other cultures/ethnicities.
- How perceptions of people of color/other cultures can affect the way we operate in work spaces.
- How the perception of communities of color can affect how and whom we hire.
- How the perceptions of communities of color can affect whom we interact.
- How perceptions of communities of color can affect with whom we do business.
- How implicit biases play into the stereotypes we all have and how that can affect our processes and policies in work spaces.
- How micro aggressions play into the implicit biases and stereotypes we all have and how they can play into our work spaces to create white supremacy culture.
For questions, please contact:
Shanise Palmer at or 484-893-1031
Wilberto Sicard at